Eventing NSW Registrations
Welcome to the registration website for Eventing NSW
Eventing NSW is looking to expand the ranks of medical, nursing and paramedical support people available to Event Organisers in order to ensure every event is as safe as possible.
So, are you, were you, or do you know anyone who is a nurse, paramedic, doctor or other healthcare professional?
Would you be interested in giving some of your time and expertise?
This is not a binding agreement to work for a certain number of events; it's a preliminary look to see how many people with these skills we already have in our ranks.
Once we have an idea of people with medical skills we can look at what options are open to helping our clubs - hopefully to assist Event Organisers finding additional medical assistance in addition to the booked paramedics and ambulance.
Whether this is you, or someone else you think may be interested, it'll be an amazing resource for our sport.
Thank you
Eventing NSW